Rear Admirals Sergio Liardo and Giuseppe Aulicino meet the military personnel of the Satellite Station
Published on: 09/06/2021
Category: News
In conjunction with the institutional visit of the Director of Operations for Emergency Coordination of the Department of Civil Protection, Engineer Luigi D'Angelo, held on June 07, 2021, Rear Admiral Sergio Liardo and Rear Admiral Giuseppe Aulicino of the III Department (Plans and Operations) of the General Command of the Port Authority Corps-Coast Guard met with the staff of the Italian COSPAS-SARSAT Satellite Station in Bari.
During the meeting, the current organizational and operational arrangements were illustrated, as well as the lines of technological development of the Satellite Station, which operates with the employment of military personnel of the Port Authority Corps - Coast Guard, under the operational dependencies of the III Department of the General Command. On the occasion, the Director of the Satellite Station, Frigate Captain Angelo Maggio, to commemorate the event and to seal the existing intense functional bond, had the pleasure of presenting the aforementioned senior officers with the new institutional Crest which, bearing the motto "DE CAELO SPES," reiterates the operational but also psychological importance of the latest satellite technologies in support of search and rescue operations.