Replacement recommendations
In the case of replacement of a satellite transmitter (EPIRB or ELT), in addition to sending a new registration card for the new transmitter, it is necessary to indicate:
- the hexadecimal identification code of the replaced transmitter (Hex. Id. Code);
- the "status" of the replaced transmitter.
Please remember that transmitters no longer used should be "deactivated" by disconnecting the battery and then correctly disposed (electronic part, casing and battery) in compliance with current environmental regulations and according to the RAEE directives.
In case of doubts or needs for the correct procedure, we recommend contacting the transmitter dealer or the authorized Company (Dealership).
Incorrect disposal of the replaced transmitter can cause accidental activations that will always be attributable to the user (owner/shipowner/operator depending on the case), as the transmitters are coded with the MMSI Code (in the case of EPIRB) or with the registration marks or 24bit address (in the case of ELT).
Correct disposal, after disconnecting the battery, must also be carried out for old or replaced personal transmitters (PLB), by sending a duly completed registration form and selecting "destroyed" as the reason for filling in.
For information, do not hesitate to contact us, we are available at the following numbers:
National Beacon Database Office: +39 080 5341830
MCC Operative Office: +39 080 5341571 - +39 080 5344033